Create and manage categories for your app

In this guide, we will help you create categories and items from your square dashboard.

Your mobile app will pull your inventory from the Square Dashboard inventory.  

 Log in to Categories from your Square Dashboard -

Click on the Items Tab 👆

Head Down to Categories 

Click on the create a category button 

Name The Category

 Click save. That's it you have now created a category in square that will be sync to orda automatically

2. Create and Manage Items

Now let us create items to match our categories.  In Square, it is important to match every item with a category.

Head Over to the Items Tab

You will be redirected to the items library where it will show all the items you have already created and the details.

Now click on create an item button to set started 🟦

Enter Item Details

Once you have entered all the required information for the item, simply click save

There you go, you now have created items and categories that will be matched with your Orda Dashboard and mobile ordering app 

Additional Square Resources : See the video for more information and only follow the steps about creating items in Square Dashboard, NOT Square POS