App Store Details

The app store details include the app name, short description, and long description that customers see in Google Play and Apple Store.

Log In To Your Orda Dashboard

Go to

Click Sign In in the top right and log in.

Go to App Storefront 

Change App Name 

In Orda Dashboard ->App Storefront, you can change the app name, in this example the name is My pizza.

Here are the app name requirements:

Click Save in the top right after making changes.

Change App Short Description

In Orda Dashboard -> App Storefront, you can change the app's short description, in this example, the short description is marked in green.

Click Save in the top right after making changes.

Change App Long Description

In Orda Dashboard -> App Storefront, you can change the app's short description, in this example, the long description is marked in red.

Click Save in the top right after making changes.

Publish App Edits

An Apple and Google update is required to change your app name or description.