Enable Self-Delivery

This guide will review how to enable deliveries in your mobile ordering app with Orda.

Step 1. Enable Self-Delivery

1.Go to https://getorda.com

2. Click Sign In in the top right and log in.

3. Click Marketplace on the left.

4. Where it says In-House Delivery, click Install, then Open.

5. Set the following:

-Extra Delivery Fee: The amount you want customers to pay for the delivery. For example, 5

-Minimum Order: The minimum dollar amount a customer must set to place an order. For example, 0 or 20

-Delivery Radius: The amount of miles you are willing to deliver. For example, 1

Here is an example of complete delivery settings:

6. Click Save.

Step 2. Enable deliveries for each location

1. Click Locations on the left.

2. You will see the locations you configured in Square.

3. For each location, click the Edit icon. If you do not see the location address, you must add the address in the Square Dashboard.

4. Enable Delivery.

5. Click Save.

6. Repeat #5–7 for every location.

7. Click Save.

Step 3. Publish Orda Update

Follow this guide to publish your update.

Step 4. Need third-party delivery?

If you are in the United States, see Enable DoorDash.

If you are out of the United States, when a customer requests delivery you will see the delivery details in Square Online orders. You can then manually request the delivery through Doordash or any other local platform!

Not seeing Delivery in your app?

If you completed all the steps above and don't see Delivery in your checkout page, the location address may not be configured properly.

Update the location address in Square. This guide shows how.

In Orda Locations, make sure the location address has updated. This may take a few minutes.

You will then need to publish an update again (Step 3 above).