Setup Shipping Only Location

Setting up a shipping only location lets customers see a "Shipping Only" store in your mobile and web ordering. Then when they select it, the location will only support shipping and not pickup and delivery.

Step 1. Create Location In Square

  1. Go to Square Dashboard -

  2. Click Create Location.

  3. Set Business Name to something like "Shipping Only".

  4. Set Location Type to "Mobile Location."

  5. Save the location.

Step 2. Enable Shipping In Orda

  1. Go to

  2. If you are logged in, log out. Then log in to sync your new location.

  3. Click Marketplace on the left.

  4. Where it says Shipping, click Install, then Open.

5. Set the following shipping settings:

-Extra Shipping Fee - The dollar amount customers pay for the shipping. For example, 10

-Minimum Order - The minimum dollar amount for customers to be able to order a shipping. For example, 20

-Shipping States -

You ship to every state or are in the UK, Australia or Canada - Leave this empty

You are in the US and only ship to specific states - Select the specific states.

6. Click Save.

Step 3. Setup Location In Orda

  1. Go to

  2. Click the Edit button to the right of your new shipping only location.

3. Check on Shipping.

4. Click Save.

Step 4. Publish Orda Update

Follow this guide to publish your update.