
The Orda team is excited to announce the availability of discounts to the Orda Mobile App and Kiosk Ordering.
If you set up a discount in your Square admin and allowed it to the integrations, and when your customers meet the discount conditions, the amount or percentage will be applied automatically to the order.

There is a possibility to create and manage the discounts in the Square dashboard and then, they are automatically synced with the Orda App and the kiosk. 

You can create manual, automatic, and post-tax discounts.

1. Create manual discounts

From your online Square Dashboard

From the Square App

2. Create automatic discounts

You can create automatic discounts from your Square Item Library and apply them to your Square Online website. Learn more about how to create discounts for Square Online items. 

3. Create post - tax discounts

From your online Square Dashboard

From the Square App

For more information, check the tutorial "Create and Manage Discounts" on this link: